THE 51 PERCENT - Closing gender gap makes economic sense FRANCE 24 English 2:17 9 years ago 397 Далее Скачать
IMF chief: to beat inequality, close the gender gap AFP News Agency 1:11 7 years ago 177 Далее Скачать
California closes gender gap, record high of 49% women serving in State Legislature CBS 8 San Diego 3:41 1 day ago 204 Далее Скачать
Gender gap will take estimated 135 years to close: WEF report | THE BIG STORY The Straits Times 2:56 3 years ago 862 Далее Скачать
WEF estimates gender gap will now take 136 years to close | Money Talks Money Talks 5:07 3 years ago 61 Далее Скачать
WEF: Gender gap to take 99.5 years to close | Money Talks Money Talks 2:17 5 years ago 19 Далее Скачать
Closing gender gap between men and women most efficient way to reduce inequality: IMF SABC News 0:46 7 years ago 182 Далее Скачать
Closing the Gender Gap | Repository of Best Practices World Economic Forum 2:43 12 years ago 5 517 Далее Скачать
Global Gender Gap to Take 99 Year to Close: WEF Bloomberg Television 3:59 5 years ago 1 292 Далее Скачать
Can closing the gender pay gap improve the global economy? Thomson Reuters 0:31 7 years ago 71 190 Далее Скачать
Four Things That May Reinforce Gender Gaps in Financial Inclusion CGAP 1:00 1 year ago 222 Далее Скачать